News and Press

03.07.24: Milestone

Today we have included patient number 200 in the COMPEX trial!

05.04.24:  Site initiation visit in Gothenburg, Sweden 

Today we have completed a site initiation visit at the University Hospital of Gothenburg in Sweden. The site is now ready to recruit patients. We look forward to the collaboration!

08.03.24:  Site initiation visit in Aalborg, Denmark 

Today we have completed a site initiation visit at the University Hospital of Aalborg in Denmark. The site is now ready to recruit patients. We look forward to the collaboration!

02.12.22:  Site initiation visit in Basel, Switzerland 

Today we have completed a site initiation visit at the University Hospital of Basel in Switzerland. The site is now ready to recruit patients. We look forward to the collaboration!

10.11.22: Milestone

Today we have included patient number 100 in the COMPEX trial!

13.06.22: Denmark: Collaboration with the commune of Copenhagen funded by Tværspuljen

COMPEX has initiated a collaboration with the commune of Copenhagen regarding implementation of computer-based cognitive rehabilitation facilitated by the danish communes if the method is efficacious. The collaboration has received funding from Tværspuljen, and the implementation will be tested during the study period.